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Shalakya Tantra

Dept. of Shalakya Tantra

Shalakyatantra is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda that includes the diseases of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Orodental (urdhva jatrugata vikaaras).This department offers teaching and training modules in Ophthalmology, Oto-rhino laryngology and dentistry as well. Moreover it deals with the treatment of Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat and Orodental by traditional systems like Kriyakalpas and different surgical methods. Knowledge of Shalakya enables the students to be an expert in Shalakyatantra. It helps them to become excellent clinician, knowledgeable surgeons, good teachers & scientists with an investigative mind.

Our qualified teachers train the students to gain best judgment & clinical insight and skilled hands to perform good surgeries. To achieve this, we equip our students with sound knowledge of various aspects of Shalakyatantra. Our department performs minor surgeries and para-surgical procedures in mini operation theatre. Minor surgeries include chedana karma, lekhana karma, bhedana, jalookavacharanam, siravedhan, kuttanam, prachanam. In the OPD section other procedures like anjanam, aschotanam, pari-shekam (Netra Dhavanum), karnapooranam, epilation, bidalak, etc. are performed. In ENT section tuning fork test, wax removing, aural syringing, foreign body removation, etc. are carried out.


  • To teach the students the Ayurvedic as well as modern perspectives regarding urdhva jatrugata vikaaras.
  • To educate the students to turn into an open minded researcher, an efficient teacher, an able clinician and a life and sight giving surgeon.
  • To train the students in various surgical diseases and their management and assist them to become committed Ayurvedic Surgeon.
  • To instruct and master Ayurvedic kriyakalpas viz. tarpan, putapaka, anjana, pariseka, etc.
  • To carry out research oriented study and practical training of kriyakalpas.
  • To become highly efficient in the pre & postoperative treatments & measures.
  • To learn the basic skills of surgery and gain the “Asammoha Shastravaidya Lakshanam”.
  • To acquire the most difficult but the most important skill of judgment and decision-making in clinical practice.