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Prasutitantra Avum Striroga

Dept. of Prasutitantra Avum Striroga

Prasutitantra Avum Striroga is an important clinical department in ayurved hospital. It involves ayurvedic concepts of Prasutitantra and Striroga as well as modern concepts of obstetrics and gynaecology. Here we deal with diseases and treatment of female reproductive system and also the management of pregnancy, labour and puerperium (after delivery management). The complete care of woman health with an integrative approach is taken. Gyneacological health, sound maternity and care of puerperal are the keysfor women’s healthy life in present working era.

The institute is puttingefforts for the same through the dept. of Prasuti tantra evum streeroga byvarious procedures like- Garbhadhana vidhi, garbha samskara, garbhiniparicharya (ANC care), uttara basti etc.


Departmental museum possesses many unique specimens (of female genital systems in normal and abnormal forms, foetuses), charts and CDs. Museum showcases models depicting ayurvedic anatomy, physiology & embryology relevant to Prasuti-Strirog subject. There are real bone models of female pelvis, foetal skull, plaster of paris models of foetal growth during pregnancy, female pelvis with abdomen.


To provide the finest opportunities and environment for teaching, learning and research


  • To provide higher education to all students from different sections and background in general and minorities in particular and to make them self-reliant and disciplined
  • To ensure the overall personality development of students through extracurricular and co-curricular activities
  • To organize various extension activities for cultivation of democratic and human values
  • To transfer the knowledge and skills for fulfilment of the changing needs of society in the process of modernization
  • To impart knowledge of basic principles of Ayurvedic Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga modern gynaecology and obstetrics
  • To impart theoretical teaching in the subject Prasuti Tantra and Stree Roga to undergraduate and postgraduate scholars