The subject Dravyaguna Vidnyan deals with basic principles of Ayurvedic & Modern Pharmacology and detailed study of herbal drugs from identification & cultivation to utilize for treatment thus creating platform for therapeutic application of herbs. This subject is backbone of clinical practice. The subject also includes standardization of Medicinal plants. Amongst all the available sources of drugs in various therapies herbal drugs are proved to be safest; so more and more people are attracted and wish to undergo only herbal therapy. These Herbal Medicines are gaining more & more importance not only in India but also abroad. The subject also covers Pharmacovigilance aspect of modern & Ayurveda Drugs. The subject has great potential in industries as Dravyagun experts are required in different fields like in Pharmacies and Pharmaceutical companies, Research Institutes.
Department is maintained by skilful teaching &non-teaching staff members. Department has well-furnished laboratory, equipment, museum, herbal garden which encourages the students for theoretical, clinical &research work.
(+6) 23 555 0892
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